an opportunity to connect and network


Underpinning our Career Education and Employability initiatives is the Careers Alliance Network, this group is coordinated by Study Gold Coast and meets regularly throughout the year, at face-to-face events and online to discuss Career & Employment related topics, to share best practice and to also provide the opportunity to connect and network with likeminded professionals.

Each member organisation is invited to nominate staff who are responsible or involved in supporting their students with Career Education or Employment related pathways, such as Heads of Departments, Guidance Officers and/or Industry Liaison Officers.

Highlights from past Careers Alliance Networking Event


Career Opportunities Abound in Marine Industry

Riviera first began building boats on the Gold Coast in 1981 and since that time have launched almost 6,000 watercraft. This year more than 900 crafts people will build 150 luxury motor yachts at their manufacturing plant, the largest of its kind in the southern hemisphere.

Pathways to success

The one goal that every student wants to achieve is a career once they’ve attained their qualification, which is why educational institutions are increasingly investing in experienced professionals to support and guide students with the essential knowledge to find the right career education and employment pathways.


Advanced Manufacturing Opens Career Opportunities

The most recent Careers Alliance event focused on the Gold Coast’s advanced manufacturing sector and was held at the Australian Industry Trade College, an industry established institution that helps young people to pursue their chosen careers through apprenticeships and traineeships.