If you ever have any student life questions or are simply looking for an awesome space to hang out and study in, check out the Gold Coast Student Hub.
It’s not a vocation they teach at university (yet), but that doesn’t mean you can’t make a career from being a You Tuber.
Pouriya Khoshnoodi is an Iranian who started a Multi-level Marketing (MLM) business from nothing by importing products and selling them in his home country. As the business grew, Pouriya travelled the world attending seminars to understand how to improve his operations. “I went to Singapore, Malaysia, Dubai and Doha.
Alas, it has finally arrived! Being at the tail end of my schooling life is exhilarating, yet so daunting at the same time.
The landlocked city of Chengdu is one of Western China’s most populous cities with over 14 million residents. For a child growing up there the relative tranquility and natural beauty of the Gold Coast must seem like heaven on earth.
Last year Chris Boyd read an article about bullying in a local high school and he knew he needed to do something about it.
Leverkusen is a small city of around 160 000 people just north of Cologne in Germany. It’s where Kezban, Mahir & Lara Bozkurt lived until just a few weeks ago - now they call the Gold Coast home.
Winter, it’s the traditional footy season, although here on the Gold Coast there’s something incongruous about the weather.
Francisco Barcellos first fell in love with Australia in 2012 when he landed in Newcastle to study English.