Bruna De Oliveira Dolenc

21 Jul 2022

What does it mean to be an artist? The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines an artist as a person who creates art (such as painting, sculpture, music or writing) using conscious skill and creative imagination. But does that really articulate what the essence of an artist is? I doubt that Bruna De Oliveira Dolenc would agree.

Bruna is a young Brazilian woman who comes from a long line of artists in her family, going back at least as far as her great grandmother. Through those successive generations each of those women has demonstrated their own artistic skills from knitting to painting hand-made toys and crafting to oil painting on canvas.

For Bruna being an artist is so much more than that. It’s about embracing everything that you do in your life. It’s about following your heart and doing what’s right for you. In Bruna’s words the real artist is the one that makes their own life a masterpiece.

Bruna is currently creating a new personal masterpiece, having moved to Australia to study English at The Language Academy on the Gold Coast. Here, Bruna sees a world of endless possibilities and experiences, limited only by her imagination.

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