Jongwoo Lee Part 2

9 Dec 2021

In the first instalment of Jongwoo’s story we followed him on his journey towards becoming a professional baseball player in South Korea, only to have his dream shattered through injury.  

After beginning to find his feet in Australia, Jongwoo sets out to rekindle his baseball dream by signing up to play club baseball in Brisbane, but it wasn’t long before his old injury came back to haunt him.

It’s then that he realises that he can never become a professional player, so he sets out to forge a new career as a builder by studying at TAFE on the Gold Coast. But it’s a long and slow road as he battles to get on top of his mental health issues and bouts of depression, a mindset that he eventually overcomes by building his confidence through his participation in the Mayor’s Student Ambassador Program, a deliberate move by Jongwoo to push himself out of his comfort zone.

Now after adopting the Aussie name of Kevin and discovering a new lease of life, Jongwoo is not only relishing his new vocation as he learns to become a builder, he’s also reinvigorated his love of baseball with renewed purpose by coaching young and emerging players - even  taking them to the national titles.


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