Nurse Educator and Researcher

Nurse Educator and Researcher

Nurse Educators and Researchers provide clinical and theoretical education to and promote professional development of nurses and midwives, and conduct research into nursing practice.

Nurse Educator and Researcher

Job Demand: High

Average weekly wage: $1,442

Where you could work:


UniversitiesGriffith, Southern Cross Universities

HospitalsRobina Hospital, Gold Coast University Hospital

Nurse Educators and Researchers do the following tasks:

  • Researching, planning, developing and implementing nursing curricula
  • Facilitating practical experience for general and specialist nurses
  • Evaluating ongoing and changing educational needs and monitoring course outcomes
  • Participating in developing and implementing policies affecting nursing, nurse education and health
  • Undertaking and promoting nursing and interdisciplinary research projects, and disseminating research information
  • Promoting utilisation of current research findings into clinical nursing practice and patient management
  • Promoting the implementation of research and research findings into organisation-wide functions such as safety, quality and risk management
  • Providing support and education for other nurses undertaking research